An Expert's Take: How to Stage Your Home for a Successful Fall Sale

Maplefull: Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you became a professional home stager?

Kerry: Oh, where do I start? I’ve always had a knack for making spaces look fabulous—or at least that’s what I tell myself! My journey into home staging began when I was a kid, rearranging my dollhouse furniture like it was a mini mansion. Fast forward a few years, I realized I could actually get paid for turning chaos into cozy. And voilà, here I am, making homes look so good that even the furniture doesn’t want to leave!

Maplefull: What do you find most exciting about staging homes for different seasons, particularly fall?

Kerry: Fall is like the pumpkin spice latte of home staging—everybody loves it! There’s something magical about turning a house into a warm, inviting space that makes buyers want to curl up with a blanket and never leave. Plus, I get to play with all those rich colors and cozy textures. It’s like decorating your house for Instagram, but instead of getting likes, you get offers!

Maplefull: Why do you think fall is an underrated season for selling homes, and how can staging make a difference?

Kerry: Fall is the unsung hero of home-selling seasons. Everyone’s so busy raking leaves, they forget that fall is actually a prime time to sell. With a little staging magic, you can make your home the ultimate snuggle zone. And let’s be honest, who can resist a house that makes you want to sip hot cocoa and binge-watch Netflix? Staging can turn a “maybe” into “where do I sign?” faster than you can say ‘pumpkin pie!’

Maplefull: What are some key elements that you believe are essential to focus on when staging a home for a fall sale?

Kerry: Well, first off, lighting is key—think bright, but not like you’re about to interrogate someone! Then, there’s the cozy factor. I’m talking blankets, pillows, maybe even a strategically placed mug of steaming hot chocolate (just for show, of course). And don’t forget the scents—cinnamon, apple, anything that smells like grandma’s kitchen on a Sunday afternoon. Trust me, if your house smells like a bakery, buyers won’t just be interested—they’ll be hungry for more!

Maplefull: Let’s dive into some specific tips for staging a home in the fall. How can homeowners brighten up their spaces as the days get shorter?

Kerry: Ah, the age-old battle against darkness! As the days get shorter, you need to crank up the light—think of it as creating your own mini sun inside. Open those blinds, pull back the curtains, and let every drop of natural light in. And when the sun isn’t cooperating, bring in some stylish lamps that double as decor. Just make sure they’re not so bright that people need sunglasses indoors. Before a showing, I always say, “Turn on every light you’ve got!” No one wants to walk into a room and feel like they’re in a haunted house… unless it’s Halloween, of course!

Maplefull: That makes a lot of sense! Speaking of the outdoors, what should homeowners do to keep the fall weather from making a mess inside?

Kerry: Fall is beautiful, but let’s be real—it can also be messy. Muddy boots, wet umbrellas, leaves sticking to everything… it’s like nature’s confetti, but not in a good way! I always tell my clients to create a welcoming entry space for all that outerwear. A simple coat rack, a cute umbrella stand, and a mat for those soggy shoes can work wonders. Not only does it keep the mess contained, but it also gives the impression that your home is as organized as a Pinterest board!

Maplefull: How can homeowners make sure their space feels cozy without turning it into a sauna?

Kerry: Ah, the fine line between cozy and “Help, I’m melting!” Fall is all about warmth, but you’ve got to strike the right balance. Set the thermostat to a comfy 21 to 22 degrees—just enough to make people want to shed their coats, but not so warm that they’re fanning themselves with your property brochure. And if there’s a chilly room that never quite gets toasty, sneak in a space heater before the showing. You want buyers to feel like they’re walking into a warm hug, not a tropical jungle!

Maplefull: Let’s talk about the HVAC system. Why is it so important to get it inspected before showing the house?

Kerry: The HVAC system is like the heart of your home—it keeps everything running smoothly. If it’s not working right, buyers might start imagining all sorts of horror stories, like freezing winters or sweltering summers. So, I always recommend getting it inspected before any showings. A quick check-up, a fresh air filter, and boom! You’ve got clean, fresh air circulating through your home. Plus, if buyers know the HVAC is in top shape, they’re more likely to warm up to the idea of making an offer. See what I did there?

Maplefull: Clever! Now, let’s move on to one of the best parts of fall: coziness. How can homeowners make their space feel as inviting as possible?

Kerry: Fall is all about those cozy vibes! Think soft blankets, plush pillows, and rugs that make you want to kick off your shoes and stay a while. I like to throw in some textures—cashmere, flannel, maybe a bit of faux fur if you’re feeling fancy. And don’t forget the floor! If you’ve got hard floors, toss down a fluffy rug to keep those toes warm. The goal is to create a space so cozy that buyers start imagining themselves curled up with a book and a cup of tea, even if they’ve never read a book in their life!

Maplefull: Speaking of warmth, what are your thoughts on lighting a fire during a showing?

Kerry: Oh, I’m all for it! Nothing says “welcome home” like a crackling fire. It’s not just about the warmth—it’s the glow, the scent, the whole vibe. If you’ve got a fireplace, use it to your advantage! Just make sure you’ve had the chimney cleaned and inspected, because the last thing you want is a room full of smoke. And hey, if you’re showing the house in the evening, why not light up a fire pit in the backyard? Bonus points if you offer to make s’mores—it’s like staging their next family memory right in front of their eyes!

Maplefull: That sounds amazing! How do you feel about using seasonal scents in the home during fall?

Kerry: Smell is a powerful thing—it can transport you to another time and place. In the fall, I love using scents like cinnamon, apple, or even a hint of pumpkin spice. Just be careful not to go overboard—there’s a fine line between cozy and “I think I just walked into a candle store!” Keep it subtle, but make sure it’s enough to make buyers think of all those wonderful fall activities. After all, if your house smells like apple pie, who could say no to that?

Maplefull: Kerry, your tips are not just practical—they’re downright inspiring! It’s clear that with the right staging, fall can be the perfect time to make a home shine. Thank you so much for sharing your insights and making the process sound like so much fun.

Kerry: It’s been a blast! Remember, staging isn’t just about making a home look good—it’s about making people feel good when they walk through the door. And if you can do that, you’ll have them falling in love before they even make it to the living room.

Maplefull: Well said! To our readers, we hope you’re feeling inspired to cozy up your home this fall and make it irresistible to buyers. With Kerry’s expert advice, your house could be the next one off the market!

Thanks for joining us for this cozy conversation. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to help you make the most of your home-selling journey this season. Follow @maplefullrentals for inspiration of fall decor.